What is Siberia do you know? I am from a small town in Siberia. It's really small and there is nothing interesting there but I'm happy to be born there. I proud of dour people of my homeland. They just do their job - they extract oil and never cry. Actually Siberia is a very large region with beautiful wild nature. We have forests, endless marshes, great rivers the world largest lake Baikal.
٢٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤ ١٩:١٦
التصحيحات · 6

Corrections in red.  Stylistics in blue.

What is Siberia?  Do you know?

I am originally [1] from a small town in Siberia. It's really small, and there is nothing interesting there, but I'm happy to have been born there.
I am proud of the [2] people of my homeland. They just do their job - they extract oil and never cry.
Actually Siberia is a very large region with beautiful, wild nature. We have forests, endless marshes, great rivers, and the world largest freshwater lake, Lake Baikal.



[1]  I have the impression from your comment to Nelson, and from your later use of the word "there" that you no longer live in the small village where you were born.  I therefore added the word "originally" to make it clear that you now live somewhere else.


[2]  You wrote "dour" which is a word which means stern; obstinate; also:  ill-humored; gloomy; so maybe you didn't mean that.  Or did you?  If you did, then you need the article "the" -- "I am proud of the dour people......"  Perhaps you meant to write "our", not "dour"?  If so, the sentence sounds more natural with a simple "the".

٢٣ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤

What is Siberia do you know what Sibera is?

I am from a small town in Siberia. It's really small and there is nothing interesting there but I'm happy to have been born there.
I proud of dour (my) people and of my homeland. They just do their job - they extract oil and never cry.
Actually Siberia is a very large region with beautiful wilderness nature. We have forests, endless marshes, great rivers, the world largest lake, Lake Baikal.

٢٣ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
Hi Nelson! Yes, you are right the most of territory is uninhabitable because of harsh climate. Very, very cold winters! When I was young my only dream was to live in the place where you can walk without hat at winter :) Now I can!
٢٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
Holaaa! welcome to Italki! :) I just know that is region inside Russia where you can find mountains ranges like what you show us in that pic, I also know that. I also know that many part of that region are uninhabitable, Is it true ? Regards from Latin America...
٢٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
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