Find a House In this moment, I have a problem with Inmobiliaria. They want collect a top value out of the contract. My contract with them is ending and I have to find other house. I want buy a house at Bogota but the prices are high...The prices are equal at Miami..
٢٥ نوفمبر ٢٠١٤ ١٩:٣١
التصحيحات · 7

Find a House


<em>Finding a House (también: Finding a Home)</em>


<em>Esa es una de las situaciones en que se usa el "present participle" en el inglés entre tanto se usa el infinitivo en el español. </em>


In this moment,


<em>Right now,    (In this moment tiene sentido, pero suena raro.)</em>


I'm having a problem with Inmobiliaria.


<em>I'm having a problem with a realtor/real estate agency/real estate company.  </em>


They want collect a top value out of the contract.


??? Quizas:

<em>They want to maximize their profit</em>

<em>They want to get "top dollar" from their sale/contract</em>

<em>They want to charge a lot</em>



My contract with them is ending and I have to find other house.


<em>... and I have to find another house</em>

<em>... and I will have to find another house</em>


<em>"House" es ... singular(?)  Entonces, se usa "another".   Se usa "other" con "plural nouns" -- sustantivos plurales(?)  </em>


<em>Ejemplo 1:  I don't like this house and I'd like to find another one.  </em>

<em>Ejemplo 2:  Some houses are built in the mountains, others are built along the coast. </em>


I want buy a house at Bogota but the prices are high.


<em>I want to buy a house in Bogotá but the prices are high.


<em>Se usa "in" y "at" como preposiciones de ubicación, pero "in" typicamente está usada con lugares grandes: ciudades, paises, estados, etc.</em>


The prices are equal at Miami..

<em>The prices are as high as they are in Miami. </em>

<em>The prices are as high as in Miami. </em>

<em>The prices are the same as in Miami. </em>

٢٧ نوفمبر ٢٠١٤

Find a House

At the moment, I am having a problem with real estate. They (my landlords?) want to get top value out of their property. My lease with them is up* and I will have to find another house. I want buy a house in Bogota but the prices are high...The prices are equal to Miami..


* this sounds odd, I know, but that is how we say that a time-limited contract is coming to an end around here. You can also say that it is ending but it is not as common.

٢٥ نوفمبر ٢٠١٤

Finding a House

Right now, I have a problem with a real estate agency. They want to charge a lot value out of the contract. My contract with them is ending and I have to find another house. I want buy a house in Bogota but the prices are high...The prices are as high as in Miami.


٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٤

Find a House

At the moment, I am having a problem with real estate. They want to get top value out of their property. My lease with them is up* and I will have to find another house. I want buy a house in Bogota but the prices are high...The prices are equal to Miami..

٢٧ نوفمبر ٢٠١٤

Find a House

At the moment, I'm having a problem with Inmobiliaria. They want collect a top value out of the contract. My lease with them is up* and I will have to find another house. I want buy a house in Bogota but the prices are high...The prices are equal to Miami..

٢٧ نوفمبر ٢٠١٤
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