International Aid(IELTS) The focus on humanitarian assistance have heightened in recent year.Although international aid express the moral ideal of humanity,there are many people holding an adverse view that the benefits of fellow citizens are more important.International aid has its own weakness,but its importance should not be denied. The main reason for international donation agencies to think about international aid is that the funds they offered could help recipient countries to combat poverty,illness and inequality.It is common knowledge that the people in developing countries are in desperate need of aid,because they are more susceptible to nature or man-made disasters,such as war.These war-torn or poverty-stricken countries lack of resource.And they have a high demand on food,medicines and shelters. Despite the importance of international aid,helping fellow citizens is also reasonable.Even in some rich countries,there could be poors without any satisfaction of basic need.If we are able to solve problems on our doorstep,low-income person will have basic living standards.It is favorable for social stability. For my point of view,humanitatian action could recover some their basic rights,such as education rights.This is also consistent with the universal principle of helping vulnerable populations.These people who can not offer economic assistance could work as volunteer and deliver service(such as training or health service)to those needy people. In conclusion,we must realise the implications to the people influenced by disasters,poverty and other misfortune.We could express humanism by offering aid to other countries even though helping fellow citizens is also important.
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المهارات اللغوية
الصينية (المندرية), الصينية (الكانتونية), الإنجليزية, الإيطالية, اليابانية, البرتغالية, الإسبانية
لغة التعلّم
الصينية (الكانتونية), اليابانية, البرتغالية, الإسبانية