12/24/2014 The shopping malls along Orchard Road are swarmed with shoppers. Shops are decorated their premises with Christmas theme related decoration, welcoming shoppers to enter into their premises. Shoppers seize anything they want from the shelves without a second thought. Everyone is indulged in the festive mood. Everyone hold shopping bags in his hands, which are all full to the brim. Christmas spirit is thickening with Christmas songs in the air. Some people hold their footsteps in front of the giant Christmas tree at the centre of the mall, admiring it. The tree is dressed in fairy-like outfit, with colorful and glittering baubles and ribbons. People seize the opportunity to take photo in the hope to pause this wonderful moment in their memory lane. When the night is getting dark, thongs of people walk along the shopping belt to admire spectacular stretch of twinkling street lights and decoration.
٢٠ ديسمبر ٢٠١٤ ١٣:٢١
التصحيحات · 2


The shopping malls along Orchard Road are swarminged/swarm/throng <em>(swarm and throng are intransitive verbs)</em> with shoppers. Shops are decorating/have decorated their premises with Christmassy theme related decoration, welcoming inviting shoppers to enter into their premises. Shoppers seize anything they want from the shelves without a second's/second thought <em>(second thought and a second's thought are both possible, slightly different meaning)</em>. Everyone is indulginged in the festive mood. Everyone holds/carries shopping bags in his their <em>(genderless pronoun)</em> hands, which are all full to the brim and everyone is loaded to the gunnels <em>(that metaphor doesn't work with hands and carrying)</em>  Christmas spirit is thickening/growing/building with Christmas songs in the air.
Some people hold their footsteps pause to stand in front of the giant Christmas tree at the centre of the mall, admiring it. The tree is dressed in fairy-like outfit, with colorful and glittering baubles and ribbons. People seize the opportunity to take photos in the hope to pause of capturing this wonderful moment in their memory lane.
When the As night falls/As it gets is getting dark, throngs of people walk along the shopping belt to admire this spectacular stretch of twinkling street lights and decoration.

٢٦ ديسمبر ٢٠١٤
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المهارات اللغوية
الصينية (المندرية), الصينية (الكانتونية), الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, اليابانية, الملايوية, الإسبانية, التايلندية
لغة التعلّم
الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, اليابانية, الإسبانية, التايلندية