Snail mail. It's been so boring and absolutely depressing since I was a senior. What I do is sitting in front of my tons of books, complaining about it, but never actually reading! What a good student I am! The thing is I have no time to do what I love. Sounds like a lame excuse. Well, maybe, yea. I was looking for a notebook in my drawer this morning and suddenly saw a scrapbook. I wrote and kept everything memorable there. There are some letters and post cards sent by my foreign friends, snail mails to be exact. It's really exciting waiting for the letters and stuff to arrive. Though it takes almost a month, I do think it is worth waiting. I miss that moment. It's been ages I haven't written any letters, but I'm really looking forward to writing again soon. Let this year end, and wish me luck! :)
٢٥ يناير ٢٠١٥ ٠٣:١٧
التصحيحات · 2

Snail mail.

It's been so boring and absolutely depressing since I was a senior. What I do is sit in front of my tons of books, complaining about them, but never actually reading! What a good student I am! The thing is I have no time to do what I love. Sounds like a lame excuse. Well, maybe, yea.

I was looking for a notebook in my drawer this morning and suddenly saw a scrapbook. I wrote and kept everything memorable there. There are some letters and post cards sent by my foreign friends, snail mails to be exact. It's really exciting waiting for the letters and stuff to arrive. Though it takes almost a month, I do think it is worth waiting. I miss that moment. It's been ages since I've written any letters, but I'm really looking forward to writing again soon. Let this year end, and wish me luck! :)

٢٥ يناير ٢٠١٥
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