Stella Choi
I want learn english~ I arrived in US 4month ago. But i cant speak english more long. so i speak english use short and basic words. i'm tired.. because everyday my conversation is short time. how i learn english better? Please recomend method!:^)
٢٧ يناير ٢٠١٥ ٠٤:٠٨
التصحيحات · 12

I want to learn English~

I arrived in the US 4month ago, But but I cant speak English more well enough. So, I speak English by use using short and basic words. I'm tired, because everyday my conversations is are for a short amount of time. How can I learn english better more effectively? Please recommend a method! :^)


Hope this helped! Keep up the good work! :)


٢٧ يناير ٢٠١٥

I want to learn English

I arrived in US 4 month ago. But I can't speak English more long enough. So I can speak English use short and basic words. I'm tired, because my everyday's conversations is short time. How can I learn English better? Please recommend method of learning!

٢٧ يناير ٢٠١٥
Hello, You've come to the right place. I hope we can help each other to study. I'd like to learn some basic Korean and I can help you with Korean. Roy.
٢٩ يونيو ٢٠١٥

I want to learn English~

Capitalize proper nouns

The pattern is "want(s) to V". (=동사+고 싶다)

I arrived in the U.S. 4 months ago.

U.S. is an abbreviation. It's technically "the U.S.A.", "the United States of America". You need "the" due to the word "States" in the name of the country. i.e. "the...States..."

4 is more than 1, making "month" plural. e.g. 4 months. 1 month. 6 cats. 1 cat. (=들)(I know the plural is often omitted in Korean, but we need it in English here)

But I can't speak English using very long sentences.

Capitalize proper nouns

"Can't" is a contraction of "can not". Contractions are designated using an apostophe (').

So I speak English using short and basic words.

OR: So when I speak English, I use short and basic words.

Capitalize proper nouns

Capitalize the first word of a sentence

I'm tired of it because everyday my conversations are so short time.

Capitalize the first word of a sentence

The words in gray are words I would add to make the sentence more natural.

"Conversation" should be plural because you're making a general statement. You are talking about conversations that you have in general.

How can I learn English better?

Capitalize the first word of a sentence

Capitalize proper nouns

Please recommend a method!:^)

Typo :)

You need to use "a". (Please recommend some method.)

٢٩ يونيو ٢٠١٥

I Want To Learn English~

I arrived in the US 4months ago. But I can't speak English more long. so When I speak English I use short and basic words. I'm tired.. because everyday I have to speak Engish everyday and my conversation skills are not good. is short time. How can I learn to speak better English better? Please recomend a method!:^)

٢٩ يونيو ٢٠١٥
أظهِر المزيد
هل تريد التطور بشكل أسرع؟
انضم لمجتمع التعلّم هذا وجرّب التمرينات المجانية!