Issues :) Hi everybody ,I think I'm not good at writing but i will try. However this is my second entry and i haven't got any friends yet on this site , I'm working on that ..any way I decided that this entry will be talking about my issues on my language acquisition and i will put this on points because i need everyone whom read this could understand me and correct it for me : 1- Feeling bored 2- what should I study First ? 3- To the bodies who are working .. it's really hard that you are studying after work Am I right ? 4- Writing issues because you run out vocabulary and you make a lot of grammatical Mistakes 5- speaking confidence specially with natives etc,,, In the end , all i need is to put a strategy to improve My English so fast . In case you wonder way I need it so fast because I want to Take IELTS so, i could immigrate to Canada . waiting for your corrections and your advice
٣٠ يناير ٢٠١٥ ١٨:٣٠