Mixed feelings Feelings are something inexplicable that play with our mood, hunger and tears. Sometimes we just are not capable to define what kind of feelings is this: Is it joy and happiness or fear and sadness? Indeed sometimes it just all happens at the time, we feel happy but at the same time sad. Probably it's because of something good for us but affects badly a side that we love. So we found ourselves in the middle of a mixture feelings. For me, the best way to deal with this situation is unknown. All I'm aware of is that I have to accept it and take advantage of the good side hoping that the bad one may disappear with the time.
١٩ فبراير ٢٠١٥ ٠١:٠٥
التصحيحات · 1

Mixed feelings

Feelings are something inexplicable that play with our mood, hunger and tears. Sometimes we just are are just not capable to of define defining what kind of feelings is this a feeling is: Is it joy and happiness or fear and sadness?

Indeed sometimes it just all happens at the same time, we feel happy but at the same time sad. Probably it's because of something good for us but affects badly negatively affects <em>("badly" is not wrong, but "negatively" is a little better in this context)</em> a side that we love. So we found find ourselves in the middle of a mixture of feelings. <em>(Here, I think you should say "find" in present tense instead of "found" in past tense, because the previous sentences in the paragraph take place in the present.)</em>

For me, the best way to deal with this situation is unknown. All I'm aware of is that I have to accept it and take advantage of the good side hoping that the bad one may disappear with the time. <em>(No "the" needed for "time" in this sentence, because here "time" is referring more to the concept of time, rather than a specific amount of time.)</em>


<em>Good job talking about a very amorphous subject! </em>

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