Carles Info
In the morning The beginning of a morning in a working day is a special moment. First, I have a cup of coffee. It's a pleasure. When I feel more awake, I come in the children's bedroom and wake up them. The room is dark, a few light is coming through the window, and the mess is over all the floor. Every day I say to my children with a sweet voice: "Good morning, children! It's time to wake up!" John, my youngest child, is always sleeping deeply and he complains: "Please dad, let me a few more..." He is a little stubborn, but he's a happy and nice boy too. I answer him: "Come on little boy, we don't want to be late at school!" Mary, my oldest child, is usually half asleep and she is the first to dress her. She is a clever and nice girl. We have together the breakfast and leave our house at a quarter to nine. The school opens at nine o'clock and I don't like my children are late. At the door of the school, we kiss and say to each other: "I love you, have a good day! Bye, bye!" It's a good manner to begin a fantastic day!
١ مارس ٢٠١٥ ١٥:٠٤
التصحيحات · 3

Obviously, you are a great writer already, so I will just make some minor style suggestions.  Also, I can tell that you read a lot in English.  You follow the conventions of English writing very well.  However, I would suggest that you glance at the conventions for starting quotations in a sentence.  Look in a novel and notice how they rarely start with ":", but instead start with either "," or nothing at all.


In the morning

The beginning of amorning in a working day on a workday is a special moment. First, I have a cup of coffee. It's a pleasure. When I feel more awake, I come in the children's bedroom and wake up them them up. The room is dark, a few a bit of light is coming through the window, and the mess is all over all the floor. Every day I say to my children with a sweet voice: "Good morning, children! It's time to wake up!" John, my youngest child, is always sleeping deeply and he complains: "Please dad, let me a few more..." He is a little stubborn, but he's a happy and nice boy too. I answer him: "Come on little boy, we don't want to be late at school!" Mary, my oldest child, is usually half asleep and she is the first to dress her. She is a clever and nice girl.

We have together the breakfast breakfast together and leave our house at a quarter to nine. The school opens at nine o'clock and I don't like my children are to be late. At the door of the school, we kiss and say to each other: "I love you, have a good day! Bye, bye!"

It's a good manner way to begin a fantastic day!

٢ مارس ٢٠١٥
how happy :>
٢ مارس ٢٠١٥
هل تريد التطور بشكل أسرع؟
انضم لمجتمع التعلّم هذا وجرّب التمرينات المجانية!