Something to start with I should admit that i have never written a notebook or some kind of personal diary, just don't see any need. So, everything happens for the first time. Thanks to italki they have provided some writing ideas for this topic. Funny experience you say? I have some. That happened with me just before last Christmas, i was driving a car on the way home when suddenly Santa Claus appeared from nowhere and showed we to stop the car. Of course i stopped immediately, who wants to have problems with Santa right before Christmas? Santa came closer and only then i realised i have been stopped by police officer in Santas clothing. Fortunately he was in a good mood and forgave me my little overspeed. I was smiling all the way home.
٢٦ مارس ٢٠١٥ ١٨:٣٢
التصحيحات · 1

Something to start with

I should admit that I have never written a in a notebook, or any kind of personal diary; I just don't see any need to do that.  So, there's a first time for everything. Thanks to italki for having provided some writing ideas for this topic.
A funny experience, you say? I have had some. One such experience happened to me just before last Christmas. I was driving a car [If it was your car, say, "driving my car"] on the way home when suddenly Santa Claus appeared from nowhere and told me to stop the car. Of course I stopped immediatelywho wants to have problems with Santa right before Christmas? Santa came closer and only then did I realise [Note the inversion!] I had [past perfect tense] been stopped by police officer in Santa's clothing. [Variant: ... by a police officer dressed as Santa.]  Fortunately, he was in a good mood and forgave me my slight excess of speed. I was smiling all the way home.

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