Jake in Indonesian Halo! Please click the youtube link and correct my speaking :) I uploaded a video of me speaking Bahasa Indonesia tonight. Thanks so much! Jake
٢١ مايو ٢٠١٥ ٠٦:٥٠
التصحيحات · 2

Hi Jake.


Well done. That's good.


A few points that I can suggest:

1. When you say "siang", I hardly hear the "i". I think we pronounce it as "Siyang", while yours is "Syang"

2. The grammar mistake --> "Menarik ini sekali" --> it should be "Ini menarik sekali".

"ini" and "itu" are similar with "this" and "that". So if you want to say "This is exciting/interesting", you can say "Ini menarik sekali"


Everything else is perfect. I can understand what you say. Good intonation. Good use of pause to move from one sentence to another and give yourself more time to think without disturbing your speaking.

Keep practicing and you'll improve your speaking.

٢١ مايو ٢٠١٥
Greetings jake:D One more point from me: that's okay when you say "tidak bahasa inggris".. but it is better to say "tidak berbahasa inggris" or "tidak dalam bahasa inggris".. that's all. Thank you and big respect for learning Bahasa :D
٧ يونيو ٢٠١٥
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