A question Hello, I have a question about two sentences : "I work for the XXX compagny since 20144" "I have been working at XXX for 4 years" What is the best choice ? or are they both good ? Thanks for your help ! :)
٢٢ مايو ٢٠١٥ ١١:٣٨
التصحيحات · 5

When an action or condition began in the past, and has continued until the present time, you should use either the present perfect simple tense (example:  I have worked for the company since 2014), or the present perfect continuous (example:  I have been working for the company since 2014).

٢٣ مايو ٢٠١٥
Hello, thanks for your advices ! In fact I would say 2011 (and not 20144). and so, I 'm still working for this compagny.
٢٢ مايو ٢٠١٥
Hi Marion, either option is fine to use, however the the first option should be changed slightly to this: "I have worked for XXX since 2014" Both would be used if you currently work for the company. If you no longer work there you could say: "I worked for XXX between 2010 and 2014" "I worked for XXX for 4 years" Cheers, Sam
٢٢ مايو ٢٠١٥
i think if you still working then it should be . " i'm working for x company since 2014 " and if you was working and quit then it will be " i have been working at x company for 4 years "
٢٢ مايو ٢٠١٥
Wow xxx is sexy.
٢٢ مايو ٢٠١٥
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