Hey, I would appreciate it if you correct my essay "Taxes" Families who do not send their children to government-financed schools should not be required to pay taxes that support universal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Answer Education has been the strongest basis of modern civilizations. Its impact is so significant that most governments guarantee its coverage for everyone. Consequently, in my opinion all must pay taxes that contribute to education regardless of some people do not send their children to public schools because education is a fundamental right. Historically, education has been considered an universal right by successful societies that recognizes its value as a source of useful individuals for communities. For example, after the Industrial Revolution was introduced, many governments understood that the only way to maintain a sustainable development it was through training. Therefore, education was reinforced with taxes with excellent results. Some people state that private schools bring a better quality of education than public schools. However, the fact to send younger generations to private schools is a personal choice, which does not exclude anyone to paying taxes. For instance, modern democracies have legally established the payment of taxes as duty for all citizens in order to ensure the access to vital rights, such as education and health. Thus, for me it is clear that taxes are a duty and its fulfillment can not be affected by personal decisions. All in all, I feel that it is our duty as a citizens to support universal rights, such as education in order to contribute to the development of our countries. I hope that societies at large continue to encourage people to pay their contributions and never allow that individual conducts disturb the general welfare.
٨ يوليو ٢٠١٥ ٠٤:٥٢
التصحيحات · 2

Hey, I would appreciate it if you correct my essay "Taxes"

Families who do not send their children to government-financed schools should not be required to pay taxes that support universal education.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Education has been the strongest basis foundation/principle [we could say, "the basis of a modern civilization is education"] of modern civilizations [in general we use the singular form - civilization]. Its impact is so significant that most governments guarantee its coverage for everyone. Consequently, in my opinion all must pay taxes that contributes to education regardless of some people do not sending their children to public schools, because education is a fundamental right.

Historically, education has been considered an universal right by successful societies that recognizes its value as a source of creating/moulding/teaching useful individuals for their communities. For example, after the Industrial Revolution was introduced, many governments understood that the only way to maintain a sustainable development it was through training. Therefore, education was reinforced with through taxes with excellent results.

Some people state that private schools bring provide/offer a better quality of education than public schools. However, the fact to of sending younger generations to private schools is a personal choice, which does not exclude anyone to from paying taxes. For instance, modern democracies have legally established the payment of taxes as a duty for all citizens in order to ensure the access to vital rights, such as education and health. Thus, for me it is clear that taxes are a duty and its fulfillment can not be affected by personal decisions.

All in all, I feel that it is our duty as a citizens to support universal rights, such as education in order to contribute to the development of our countries. I hope that societies at large continue to encourage people to pay their contributions and never allow that individual conducts to disturb the general welfare.

٨ يوليو ٢٠١٥
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