The book seller that inherited 300 books of Gabriel García Márquez Amid a warm afternoon, regular in the Colombian Caribbean, a movil book shop of Martin Murillo was searching without success. A friend of Mercedes Barcha, the widow of Gabriel García Márquez, was looking him to give him a message, but Murillo was in a trip in Bolívar. "La Gaba", on the other hand, was housed in Cartagena de Indias. Had passed a year after the Nobel prize death. "This things happen when you clean up your library", said Murillo. But the truth is that this present, that was delivered by Barcha without any protocol, is a little huge heritage of García Márquez to Murillo: 316 books that the Colombian writer had in Colombia and any coleccionist would love. This mulatto who born 47 years ago in the Pacific Ocean and lives since 10 in the Caribbean knows that he is a privileged. He wasn't, as we could think, a friend of García Márquez, but met him. The reasons of the donation are more close to the character of this man, maybe departed of Macondo, to himself. At least that was what the Nobel said to him on 2010 in the doors of the office of Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Latinoamericano, he asked for the Literary Cart, a tiny library, nomad and priceless that Murillo imgined on 2007. Since then, this man that only studied until elementary school, at his teenage only read about baseball and basketball, who sold bags of water, coffee and arepas at the street became to a reading promoter with a strategy that had charmed to much people. Murillo pushes his cart in the streets of Cartagena and other near towns. He provides the books, reads to the children and never charges. -Yes, "Gabo" said me that my work is "macondiano".
١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٥ ٠٢:١٠
التصحيحات · 1

The book seller that inherited 300 books of Gabriel García Márquez

Amid a warm afternoon, regular in the Colombian Caribbean, a movil mobile book shop of Martin Murillo was searching without success (is this book seller on a cart?). A friend of Mercedes Barcha, the widow of Gabriel García Márquez, was looking him to give him a message, but Murillo was in a trip in Bolívar. "La Gaba", on the other hand, was housed in Cartagena de Indias. Had passed a year after the Nobel prize death.

"This These things happen when you clean up your library", said Murillo. But the truth is that this present, that was delivered by Barcha without any protocol, is a little huge heritage of García Márquez to Murillo: 316 books that the Colombian writer had in Colombia and any coleccionist would love. This mulatto who was born 47 years ago in the Pacific Ocean and lives lived since 10 in the Caribbean knows that he is a privileged. He wasn't, as we could think, a friend of García Márquez, but met him. The reasons of the donation are more close to the character of this man, maybe departed of Macondo, to himself.

At least that was what the Nobel said to him on in 2010 in behind (you could probably switch it for a diffrent preposition) the doors of the office of Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Latinoamericano, he asked for the Literary Cart, a tiny library, nomad and priceless that Murillo imgined on the 2007. Since then, this man that only studied until elementary school, at his as a  teenage only read about baseball and basketball, who sold bags of water, coffee and arepas at on the street became to a reading promoter with a strategy that had charmed to much many people. Murillo pushes his cart in the streets of Cartagena and other near towns. He provides the books, reads to the children and never charges.

-Yes, "Gabo" said me that my work is "macondiano".

١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٥
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