10 English questions!(terminate,acute,ambiguous,articulate, cherish, cling, contradiction, corrupt, Please correct my grammar!! terminate,acute,ambiguous,articulate, cherish, cling, contradiction, corrupt, deplore,deter 1. You cannot terminate your phone contract within 2 years after you bought it. 2. My grandpa has an acute disease. I need to take care of him. 3. Many Japanese people give ambiguous answers instead of saying "no". 4. When you speak different language, it is important to articulate all the words in order to let people understand. 5. I cherish a letter my best friend gave me when we graduate from our high school. 6. I like to cling my boy friend! 7. What he said in his lecture was a contradiction. 8. This company makes their workers work long hours. it is a corrupt company. 9. I deplore how little I can countribute to the world's problems. 10. Diesel cars deter us to make our environment better.
١٣ أكتوبر ٢٠١٥ ٠٧:٥٧
التصحيحات · 2

10 English questions!(terminate,acute,ambiguous,articulate, cherish, cling, contradiction, corrupt,

Please correct my grammar!!

terminate,acute,ambiguous,articulate, cherish, cling, contradiction, corrupt, deplore,deter

1. You cannot terminate your phone contract within 2 years after you bought it.

You can't say ' within 2 years after'.  It is either, 'within 2 years of purchasing it', or, 'until at least 2 years after purchasing it.'

2. My grandpa has an acute disease. I need to take care of him.

There is no such thing as an 'acute disease'.  You can have a 'chronic disease', or, 'an acute illness'.  You can also have 'an acute episode of a chronic illness'.

3. Many Japanese people give ambiguous answers instead of saying "no".  Good.

4. When you speak a different language, it is important to articulate all the words in order to let  help people understand.

5. I cherish a letter my best friend gave me when we graduated from our high school.

6. I like to cling my boy +friend! boyfriend

7. What he said in his lecture was a contradiction.

8. This company makes their workers work long hours. i It is a corrupt company. (note: making the workers work long hours is not itself an indication of corruption).

9. I deplore how little I can countribute to the world's problems. This is ambiguous, and potentially misleading.  It actually says the opposite of what I think you want to say.  It is not the world's problems you want to contribute to, but the solution to the problems.

10. Diesel cars deter us to make our environment better. This sentence is difficult to understand. "Deter" is not the correct word to use here - it means it prevents us making our environment better. Do you mean that diesel cars make the environment worse?

Here is an alternative sentence, using 'deter'.  "The heavy fines for breaching the emission levels are intended to deter people driving environmentally unfriendly cars."

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