I am looser. Yes, I am. I dreamed about I have dioloma in my hands. I waited for those days I will be free. I had a lot of plans. But ... There is an one BIG BUT. Two weeks ago I felt dizziness, but I decided to go to University to show my almost prepared diploma anyway. I drunk a lot of pills to make me better but it hadn't worked when I came to University. My professor was busy and I set down to wait for her. Then was something strange with me. In one moment I thought that all my words in diploma are wrong, I did it all wrong, I don't know why. Then I couldn't breath, my mind refused from air and I didn't know what to do alone in little room for students. Then I started breathe deeper and not of all breath gave me a satisfaction. My hurt was so fast, like I have run 42 km recently, and so loud in each ear. I was scared, I thought that I am dying. I was shaken inside and outside. And in this moment some teacher accidentally saw me, called to emergency, gave me sweet tea, measure my tenpereture and hurtbeat. In hospital my doctor neurologist told me, that I am some kind of crazy - because it was panic attack with paranoia. I am really was very nerveus, but i didn't mind, that I am so nerveous. So, now I have now diploma. I am gonna get it it June of 2016. Pity, crazy, I can't to make a dot with this deal. And one soft asylum got a file on me. You see, Arkham in my chest is real place now. Now I am treated. magnetic resonance therapy revealed a cyst in my head, but it is not terrible, operation gonna be soon. Oh, you even know how crazy those people who treat us.
٢٧ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥ ٢٣:٠١
التصحيحات · 6

I am looser.

Yes, I am. I dreamed about having  a diploma in my hands. I waited for those days to be free. I had a lot of plans. But ... There is a BIG BUT. Two weeks ago I felt dizziness, but I decided to go to University to show my almost prepared diploma anyway. I drank a lot of pills to make myself feel better but it didn't work once at University. The professor was busy and I set down to wait for her. Then something strange happened to me. Suddenly I felt as if all the words in the diploma were wrong, I don't know why. Then I couldn't breathe, my mind refused to take air and I didn't know what to do, alone as I was in that little room for students. Then I started to breathe deeper but with no satisfaction. My pain was so intense, like I had just run 42 km , and so loud in each ear. I was scared, I thought that I was going to die. I was shaken inside and outside. And suddenly a teacher saw me, he called the emergency, gave me sweet tea, measure my temperature and pulsation. In hospital my neurologist told me I am someway crazy - because I suffered of a paranoia-panic attack. I was very nervous, but i didn't mind. So, now I have a new diploma. I am going to get it in June of 2016. Unfortunately, I can't put an end to this problem. And one soft asylum got a file on me (?). You see, Arkham in my chest is real place now. Now I have been treated. Magnetic resonance therapy revealed a cyst in my head, but it is not terrible, an operation will soon be done. Oh, you even know how crazy are those people who deal with us.

٢٨ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥
Thanks for worring. I am better now, but without my diploma )
٢٨ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥
Wow, what an experience. I hope you feel better soon!
٢٧ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥
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