my first article I try to write my first article.I want to write some about my plan,work or my method,but it is boring and too long.My friend recommed the website to me,cuz I told her,I want to learn English.I have not been learn English since I graduated,but I want to restart now.So I decided I'll write at least three articles every week.
١ ديسمبر ٢٠١٥ ٠٩:٢٦
التصحيحات · 5

my first article

I am trying to write my first article. I want to write a little about my plan, work, or my method, but it is boring and too long. My friend recommended this website to me because I told her I want to learn English. I have not been learning English since I graduated, but I want to restart now. So I decided I'll write at least three articles every week.


Comments:Very good! Good to hear that you're practicing, that's how you get better! When you say "it is boring and too long" it's not clear what you mean. I wonder if you mean you wrote something and didn't like it because it was boring?


Also, if you're practicing writing you should practice correctly, so I corrected your cuz to because.


Finally, I see many Chinese students leave out the space between the period "." and the next sentence. In English, that space is strictly required. It is also necessary after commas, colons, and semicolons, to name a few. If you look above you will see I have added many spaces. :)

١ ديسمبر ٢٠١٥
١ ديسمبر ٢٠١٥
١ ديسمبر ٢٠١٥
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