In these sentences, I tried to use " za + accusative case " usage. Can you explain which are wrong and why? Thanks in advance! Dolazim za 5 minute. (plural accusative case of minuta) = I am coming in 5 minutes. Lekcija će završiti za 1 sate. (plural accusative case of sat) = The lesson will end in 1 hour. Za koliko dan ćete ići u školu? (plural accusative case of dan) = In how many days will you go to school? Moram razgovarati s učiteljem za lekciju. (accusative case of lekcija) = I need to talk to teacher for lesson. Došao sam ovdje za tebe (accusative case of ti) = I came here for you. Za uspjeh bismo trebali naučiti nove stvari. (accusative case of uspjeh) = For success, we should learn new things. Trebam studirati / da studiram za univerzitet. (accusative case of univerzitet) = I should study for the university.
٢ مارس ٢٠٢١ ١١:٤٧
التصحيحات · 1
In these sentences, I tried to use " za + accusative case " usage. Can you explain which are wrong and why? Thanks in advance! Dolazim za 5 minutA. (plural accusative case of minuta) = I am coming in 5 minutes. Lekcija će završiti za 1 sat. (Sing. accusative case of sat) = The lesson will end in 1 hour. Za koliko danA ćete ići u školu? (plural accusative case of dan) = In how many days will you go to school? Moram razgovarati s učiteljem za ( o lekciji, zbog lekcije) lekciju. (accusative case of lekcija) = I need to talk to teacher for lesson. Došao sam ovdje zbog tebe (accusative case of ti) = I came here for you. Za uspjeh bismo trebali naučiti nove stvari. (accusative case of uspjeh) = For success, we should learn new things. Trebam studirati / da studiram za univerzitet (bolje: Treba da učim za fakultet ). (accusative case of univerzitet) = I should study for the university.
٥ مارس ٢٠٢١
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المهارات اللغوية
البوسنية, الكرواتية, الدنماركية, الإنجليزية, اليونانية, الإيطالية, الصربية, الإسبانية, التركية
لغة التعلّم
البوسنية, الكرواتية, الدنماركية, اليونانية, الإيطالية, الصربية, الإسبانية