Vicky do Brasil
Hi guys! I'm studying to bridge the gap between B2 and C1 English level and I would like to know which mobile app you guys recommend for those who want to listen and read a book at the same time the app’s voice is speaking. I don't like Siri's or Alexa's robotic voice on Kindle and I don’t know any other app apart from Audible. I'm looking for similar apps to the Audible (have you guys tried using it?). I would like an indication of another mobile app that reads the book with a human voice in English and with the text showing on in the screen. If you are looking for such an app to learn Portuguese, my mother tongue, I’d recommend you to download the "autibooks" app. This app has a large library of books in Portuguese and the narrator has a human voice, not a mechanical one.
٢٢ يوليو ٢٠٢١ ١٦:١٩
الإجابات · 5
The app that comes to mind when I read your description is one called LingQ. There you can read and listen to the text being read simultaneously. Some of the voices may be human and others may be computer-generated. You can also do what you describe by finding audiobooks (perhaps on Youtube) and pdfs of the same books. Many older books are in public domain and are available for free as both audiobooks and pdfs of the text. I'll check out the app you describe since I am, in fact, learning Brazilian Portuguese. Thanks for the recommendation.
٢٢ يوليو ٢٠٢١
Hi Victória, I use audible and I like it. The audios are already recorded and they sound natural, sometimes it's the author who is reading the book which makes it even better! You can even hear an excerpt before deciding to purchase the book. That way, you can be sure that you like the reading voice. If you have Kindle, you can listen and read simultaneously as well. I hope this helps :)
٢٢ يوليو ٢٠٢١
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