Jessica B
Hey guys, I am improving my writing in a formal way. If you can give me some feedback I will happy :) I am concerned about the appropriate use of connectors and adjectives. The Turing test pretends to identify if someone can notice when is interacting with a person or computer, in contrast, the Chinese room paradox rejects the Turing test as an intelligence test. Could computers behave like a human? On one hand, the text point out Alan Turing created an experiment called the Turing test in which presumed that a computer has reached human-like intelligence. In the Turing test, a person makes questions in order to obtain a smart answer from the computer. This experiment was prized and acknowledged by other researchers. Additionally, it was a great step in the development of artificial intelligence. On the other hand, the lecture mentioned that the Chinese Room paradox was looking to refute the famous discovery of 1950. In the paradox, a researcher found that the intelligence of the computer depends on particular characters in the language, for example, the lyrics in the Chinese language are hard to decode by a computer (programed in English) but a human can do this with a guide to translate the message and then think and reply in the language of the receiver. Although the Turing test was a fascinating proposal, there are still several scopes to consider regarding intelligence systems without humans. Furthermore, the Chinese Room paradox provides clues for reconsidering the logic that supports the Tuning test.
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