Last Friday I went to two branches of Amano drug store as a mystery shopper. I had to pass by all staff and check their smiling face and greeting towards me. I asked what is the best eye drop for dry eye. and evaluated how much the staff member is knowledgeable about the eye drop. and checked a cashier whether a staff member asked me if you need to make a point card, I wrote down some staff’s names and made a long short essay report. It was a bit difficult part-time job.
٢٠ فبراير ٢٠٢١ ١٣:١٧
التصحيحات · 2
Last Friday I went to two branches of Amano drug store as a mystery shopper. I had to walk by all the staff members and check their smiling faces and their greeting towards me. I asked staff members what the best eye drop for dry eye is, and evaluated how knowledgeable the staff member is about the eye drops. At the checkout, I checked whether a staff member asked me if I needed a point card. I wrote down some staff member’s names and made a long report. It was a bit difficult part-time job. (better: This part-time job was a bit difficult)
Sounds like fun, for a job. :-) An alternative to your sentence #2: I had to pass (walk) by the staff on the floor, check to see if they smiled at me and greeted me.
٢٠ فبراير ٢٠٢١
هل تريد التطور بشكل أسرع؟
انضم لمجتمع التعلّم هذا وجرّب التمرينات المجانية!