If someone told you the truth about yourself, and it shattered your lifelong dream, could you forgive them? Ac If someone told you the truth about yourself, and it shattered your lifelong dream, could you forgive them? Accept it?
٢٩ أبريل ٢٠١١ ١٣:١٧
الإجابات · 3
Hi Aynur. I have not had this happen to me, but I have had the unpleasant task of informing students' parents that their sons/daughters have been stealing or taking drugs and that has shattered their opinions of their children.
٢٩ أبريل ٢٠١١
agree with Ronald, even though there maybe right things that not being told in a good way. I mean if (s)he tell you that fact harshly, or in a very intimidative way, eventhough it is truth but you have your reason to be mad. Forgiving is hard, but peoples must strong enough to forgive something, you don't eat the food that you already keep for 1 month, and if you never forgive some-one you consume an emotion, a negative emotion, that stuck within you for years. That cause heart sickness. If you want to punish him or her because saying that, be assertive, punish him as soon as you can and finish the problem. Seeking enemy are easy believes me, but make some relation, and maintence it, like you maintence flower in your garden or your bonsai, it is hard, but it mean something.
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Why is this considered bad? He/she is telling you the truth and probably trying to help you out.
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