Can you look over this sentence? "I used to get discouraged by days like this, but over the years I've learned that it seldom comes easy. What does this sentence mean? Especially, I don't understand what "I've learned that it seldom comes easy" means. HELP!!
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الإجابات · 4
In the past, the speaker would feel bad about troubles. Now the speaker has learned that life can be difficult, and that rarely changes. The speaker has learned to just deal with it without getting upset.
١٦ فبراير ٢٠١٢
Seldom means rarely, so it is say that over time they have realised that things are rarely come easily. You have to work for them.
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I would need context to be sure, but I think the sentence means "success never comes easily." Success at what is the question and that would be answered by the context.
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