Shravan Kumar
How to present myself effective way of speaking in IELTS test module. . i would like to thanks who provide this site. Am going to appear IELTS exam. That was on 23 speaking test 11 to 14 minutes to go test mainly introduction, home town questions and likes dislikes and designation, i prove myself, please give anyone of you good tips how to crack this exam well, i would like to awaiting for your answer.
٢١ فبراير ٢٠١٢ ٠٩:٢٨
الإجابات · 4
You need to practice speaking, with a native speaker, or high level speaker, who can give you ideas on how to improve. Look at the practice tests available on the IELTS website. You need to time yourself giving a topic speech ( 1 - 2 minutes for IELTS). You also need to decide what grade you are aiming for, and learn the right kind of vocabulary for that level. The best thing you can do is to take some lessons with a teacher who will help you prepare.
٢٨ فبراير ٢٠١٢
Many Thanks for shared your experience exam. i hope i do well in exam, i try my ever end effort. all d best for your bright future.
٢٢ فبراير ٢٠١٢
I've only taken TOEIC exam. I heard that IELTS exam for oral english test is people to people, which means you may talk with the examiner face-to-face. I remember I felt very uncomfortable during TOEIC oral exam, because we have to speak to the microphone and it will record our answers and send oversea. And there is time progress bar which remind you how long is remaining for you. It seems like a bomb countdowning, which made me upset. Finally I passed the exam luckily and finish answering all the questions within the limited time. Good luck to you, friend.
٢١ فبراير ٢٠١٢
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