S'accomodi, per favore. What letter is omitted between "S" and "accomodi"?
٤ مايو ٢٠١٣ ٠٥:٣٧
الإجابات · 5
Hi elanvital The correct form is "SI ACCOMODI" mustn't to omit nobody of them
٤ مايو ٢٠١٣
Hi! "S'accomodi" and "Si accomodi" are both correct! The letter omitted between S and "accomodi" is the vowel I, because where there are 2 vowels, like in this case ( I and A ) you omit the first one and use an apostrophe. I would say that the form without omission (Si accomodi) is more formal, but you can use both of them! Hope my answer can help you. If you have further doubts, feel free to ask!
٧ مايو ٢٠١٣
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