מתי אני משתמש ״עם״ ולא ״ב...״?
١٣ يوليو ٢٠١٤ ٢٠:٤٣
الإجابات · 8
Oh my dear Joseph, that question can't be answered. Prepositions don't have rules, it depends on the context / word / verb / noun / anything imaginable. Let's take English for example. Which preposition do you use to express dates? You say "in March", but when you add a day, it changes to "on March 12". Also, "at night" but "in the morning". So just like Rosia said, you have to memorize by heart, there are no special rules. I have the same problem in English and Italian, you're not alone, don't worry.
١٤ يوليو ٢٠١٤
Your question is hard to answer because it is very general. I don't know if there is a rule, but I can give you some examples when "with" in English is translated by "ב" in Hebrew: לכתוב בעט לשלם בכרטיס אשראי לדעת בוודאות I think that you just need to learn the preposition (milot yachas) for every verb.
١٤ يوليو ٢٠١٤
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