All right vs Alright can you please tell me the difference and give me any example? Thanks!
٢٨ أغسطس ٢٠١٤ ١٣:٢٥
الإجابات · 4
"all right" refers to everything or all as being right or correct. example would be " The answers were all right" alright descibes your opinion. alright has the same meaning as okay. example " The answers were alright." alright could be replaced by okay and the sentence meaning would not change
٢٨ أغسطس ٢٠١٤
There is no such word as "alright." The expression is "all right," two words. "Alright" is a frequent mistake made because of the analogy of the words "altogether" and "already." Oops. Well, that is what I was taught but I see that it may be myth. Let me try it this way. "All right" is safe because everyone agrees that it is correct. "Alright" is risky because some people like me think it is incorrect.
٢٨ أغسطس ٢٠١٤
It's the same thing! Most people write "alright", but the proper spelling is all right. Alright? :)
٢٨ أغسطس ٢٠١٤
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