请问,什么是这文字吗? http://puu.sh/biFrz.jpg 谢谢!还问,我的问题是好的普通话吗?
٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤ ١٩:١٣
الإجابات · 11
请问,什么是这文字?(吗 is for a yes-no-question. so it can never be used in a sentence with a question word together.) The character includes 4 characters within it: 招財進寶 which means "have more fortune" It's like character play or an amulet to bring you fortune. ;)
٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
"请问,什么是这文字吗?" Would you like to say "这是个什么字?" or "这是个字吗?" If you ask the former question, the answer is 招财进宝. It conbines four Chinese charactors in one tranditional Chinese. Normally it appears in special season, such as tranditional Chinese Spring festival.
٣ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
thank you for all of this! note: I have only been learning chinese for a few months. a few things you have mentioned, since this question is already a month ago, I have already learned in the meantime, specifically the sentence structure part. but, thank you for the help! :)
٩ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
the typesetting is so horrible...I don't know why I can't answer your question but can only submit comment.. When you try to learn Chinese, it's quint-essencial that you don't translate English into Chinese word by word. There is a huge difference between the order of words in English and in Chinese. In addition, Chinese is a language that pays a extremely large amount of attention to the order of words in forming a sentence. Chinese rarely use tense or grammatical words to indicate different meanings compared to other languages, but rather it uses different ways of arranging words. e.g 这顿饭吃了10个人: this meal was for 10 people. 10个人吃了这顿饭: 10 people ate the meal So if you don't pay attention to that, you'll end up speaking lousy Chinese. Don't get confused when people say they understand you, that's only because we are very tolerant when speaking with a foreigner, so we use a standard that's extremely low. It's just like when I say: apple I wants two, you will also get what I mean, but seriously, that's not really English at all.
٩ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
for your additional details: your question is not good Mandarin at all. Native speakers will never ask"什么是这文字吗“ the correct way of asking is: 这是什么字? 1)文字 means written language and it can also mean hieroglyph, it's a concept of type and group. e.g. 文字优美 means written beautifully, 中国三千年前就有了文字。 Written language started in 3000 years ago in China. But when you ask the meaning of a character, you use 字 instead of 文字. e.g. 这个字怎么写?how to write this character? tips: when you want to ask the meaning of a word, you use 词(ci2), and sentence, 句子(ju2 zi)。 e.g. 这是什么词?what is this word? 这个句子是什么意思?What is the meaning of this sentence? 2) in Chinese, we usually start a question by 什么是 when we want to ask about the definition of something, especially the definition of a concept, or specific technical or scientific term or a type of product. e.g.: 什么是历史? what is the definition of history? 什么是艾滋病?what is the definition of AIDS? And when asking the definition of a word/character/sentence, we will use “这是什么字/词/句子?” Or you can use "这是什么?“ in asking virtually anything.
٩ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
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