how are they different? 어제는 철수 씨 생일이었는 줄 몰랐어요 어제가 철수 씨 생일이었는 줄 몰랐어요 how are they different?
٢٣ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤ ١٣:٤٧
الإجابات · 4
Hi Helen, Both sentences mean pretty much same. 어제는 철수 씨 생일이었는 줄 몰랐어요. = I didn't know it was 철수's birthday yesterday. 어제가 철수 씨 생일이었는 줄 몰랐어요. = I didn't know that yesterday was 철수's birthday. Hope it helps.
٢٤ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
어제는 철수 씨 생일이었는 줄 몰랐어요 The basic structure is 어제는 몰랐어요 Yesterday, I didn't know The whole sentence means Yesterday, I didn't know that a certain day was Cheolsu's birthday. 어제가 철수 씨 생일이었는 줄 몰랐어요 The basic structure is (저는) 몰랐어요 I din't know The whole sentence means I didn't know that yesterday was Cheolsu's birthday.
٢٤ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
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