do you guys still use these words/ Jó napot kivánok. Andrew vagyok. Hogy vagy? The course I'm studying is a little old. Do you guys still use these words? 1) állomás - train station 2) kávéház - café Thanks in advance!
١ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤ ١٤:٠٩
الإجابات · 6
There's nothing old-fashioned about the words you listed. On the other hand, állomás simply means station. (That can mean any kind of station.) Train station is vasútállomás. Also, we often use kávézó (which is rather closer in meaning to coffee shop) instead of kávéház.
١ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
please find me on facebook. It's the best place to chat/practice.
٨ يناير ٢٠١٥
wow.. really old question. I'm way past this already, thank goodness!
٨ يناير ٢٠١٥
Well, a "kávézó" is a place where you get coffee, drinks, sandwiches, cakes... and a "kávéház" is a certain type of restaurant.
٨ يناير ٢٠١٥
kösönöm szépan!
١ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
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