Do you really think that I van learn tout speak English fluently only on Skype? Sorry for the mistakes's my cellphone!
٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤ ١١:١٧
الإجابات · 5
I agree with the others. Skype is a great way to learn as it's so easy to use! We can sit at home and chat for hours in any language we choose! Fantastic! But I really think you need to explore what the radio, the TV, and the newspapers have to offer. And lessons in a language school! And chatting to friends in a café. And so many other things! I think situations where you REALLY are using the language ( a REAL telephone call, a REAL conversation trying get directions) in a REAL situation are very important. Skype is safe, Skype buffers you, Skype is just a lesson, a chat. Get OUT THERE and use the language. Make mistakes! Have a laugh! ACHIEVE something in a real situation. Fantastic!
٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
"Only" is not a good learning strategy. ;) You need to learn as diversely as you can. Skype chats are very, very good. They're probably one of the best tools you can use in language learning. I definitely recommend them, but there are many other situations where you need to use English. For example, you may be comfortable with chatting on many topics in a friendly conversation, but if that's your entire experience of speaking English, then you may be lost if you want to make a simple telephone call to book a hotel room. It's a different context. If you can find someone on Skype who is happy to do role-play situations, that might help a bit. :)
٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
Absolutely. I've met many people who are fluent in English using various methods. Tutors, living abroad, and watching TV shows over and over show the best results. However, all of those people had one thing in common: dedication. If you spend one session per week with a Skype tutor, and do nothing between those sessions, you will probably never become fluent. It takes a lot of work, but I personally think a tutor is the best method if you can't live abroad. Watching TV shows is fantastic, but it is the most labor-intensive of the three methods. I don't have the patience to watch a TV show over and over again. :(
٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
i think that online learning is a very good tool when learning but it would be a mistake to just have your online lessions ad forget about the other resources out there. I allways encourage my students to practice beteen sessions. watching TV and movies isa good way to practice your English. another way is to read books , newpapers and magazines. Alo if you have friends who arealso lerning, practice with each other.. Learning onne Via Skype is great and it will help you to improve your level but you needsomething more important and thats the dedication to want to learn.Mix that with onlne and offline practice and you will surely improve..
٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
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