Which one is correct? 1.I just took an herb to treat my stomachache. 2.I just took an herb for treating my stomachache. 3. I just took an herb for treatment of my stomache. Which one is correct?And is it possible to tell me when should I use to do, and when should I use for doing sth---I always treat them the same. Thank you very much!!!!
٢١ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤ ١٣:٤٠
الإجابات · 2
1. I just took an herb to treat my stomachache. "To do" is similar to "for doing" but they are not identical. There are no clear rules that I can think of, though! That's ambiguous English grammar for you.
٢١ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
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