what's the difference between present perfect and past simple ? what's the difference between present perfect and past simple ? when do I use them ? I want lots of examples
٢٥ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤ ١٨:٣٠
الإجابات · 2
This is the answer I gave a few days ago to a member who asked about the difference between 'I've sent' and 'I sent', and between 'I've lived' and 'lived'. It should help you get an idea about the difference between these two sentences. ..................................... 1. The present perfect tense (have + past participle) always tells you something about the present time. So, if you say 'I've sent the parcel', this means that you haven't got the parcel any more. It's gone. It's in the post. It's on the way to your friend. If you say 'I've found my keys', it means that you have them now. If you say 'I've opened the window' it means that the window is open now. If you say, for example, 'I've lived in Berlin for 5 years' , we'd understand that you're living there now, and that it's been your home since 2009. 2. The past simple (I sent) gives us information about past time. You use this tense with expressions referring to a period of time which is finished. I sent the parcel last Monday. I sent the parcel yesterday. I sent the parcel two weeks ago. And if you say 'I lived in Berlin for 5 years' , we understand that you don't live there any more. This period of time is finished. We would understand that you lived in Berlin from 2001 to 2006, for example. .............. By the way, can I give you a tip? 'I want lots of examples' is a very rude way to ask for help. If you say something like 'Please could you give me some examples?' people will be happy to help you.
٢٥ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤
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