Hơn nữa ... lại ... "Hơn nữa ta lại mất rất nhiều thì giờ dể đi từ nhà ra sân bay" I assume "hơn nữa" means "besides, addionally" I am intrigued to know if "lại", that sometimes mean "however, on the other hand" is here combined with "hơn nữa" to form a complete expression of "hơn nữa ... lại ..." as in the sentence written above. Is it the case? If not, what is the meaning? Thank you! The context: one speaker pretends that going by plane makes you waste less time than going by train, while the other pretends the contrary.
٣١ أكتوبر ٢٠١٤ ٢٢:٤٤
الإجابات · 9
"Lại" itself has no meaning in the sentence above and "hơn nữa" exactly means "besides, additionally". Your assumption are totally correct. In other cases, "Lại" has some meanings as Lò said.
٢ نوفمبر ٢٠١٤
Lại exactly is again, re- hơn nữa - moreover EX -Bắt đầu lại To begin again; to start again -Lại cũng anh nữa ư ? Is it you again? -Lại đổ bệnh To become/fall ill again -Xem lại vấn đề To look at a problem afresh -Năm nay sinh nhật tôi lại cũng nhằm thứ hai My birthday falls on a Monday again this year -Xây lại To rebuild; to reconstruct goodluck
٢ نوفمبر ٢٠١٤
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