Ali Shika
What Can I Do If I Want to a Good Listener and Speaker at English Language ???????????? that's the First time I talking with Native Speakers So it Consider more difficult for me
١٩ أبريل ٢٠١٥ ٢٠:٣٠
الإجابات · 3
Well when speaking, ask them to slow down so you can hear every word. Always pay attention and try your hardest when learning. And put more effort into learning the language to get better, faster. I would say read books and have basic conversations challenging you, making you learn new words and use old words a lot. This will improve your ability to read, and soon you'll find that you're reading faster than ever. You can also read out loud to yourself, thus helping you speak, but you could be mispronouncing some words, which could cause you a bad habit, thats why its best to have an occasional study with someone who speaks fluently.
١٩ أبريل ٢٠١٥
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