"럽투더뷰" What does this mean? My Korean friend was probably drunk and sent "럽투더뷰" to me.. I was thinking it might be Konglish (Korean + English)... like 럽뷰투 (love you too)?? But the words are not in order and the word "더" is confusing me. Does anyone know if it might mean anything else? Thank you!
٣ مايو ٢٠١٥ ٠٧:٣٧
الإجابات · 3
I have no idea what it means and think your friend was totally drunken hh
٣ مايو ٢٠١٥
I think it is 'love to the you' we put 'to the' in the middle of sentence or word to make it hip-top style(just for fun). so it means 'love you'
٦ مايو ٢٠١٥
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