English: can something cost somebody many sleepless nights? The boy's bad behavior _______ his mother many sleepless nights. A. cost B. made C. caused D. bring E. led to A is said to be correct. It A really correct? Thanks.
٧ مايو ٢٠١٥ ٠٥:٥٨
الإجابات · 8
Yes. None of the others make sense in the context.
٧ مايو ٢٠١٥
It is C because the boys behavior upset his mother so much that it made her lose sleep. It can't be A. Cost refers to losing something. His mother can't lose sleepless nights. That doesn't make sense. She can lose a a full nights sleep maybe...
٧ مايو ٢٠١٥
Yes. It is just a way to express that the mother had spent many nights with no sleep. Some other examples could be: Being bullied at school has cost me my self confidence. Moving to a new school will cost me to lose all of my friends. Like Phil said, it is an idiom. It can be a little confusing: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/idiom
٧ مايو ٢٠١٥
"Cost" is the correct answer; it's an idiom. http://www.wordreference.com/definition/cost
٧ مايو ٢٠١٥
It is C because the boys behavior upset his mother so much that it made her lose sleep. It can't be A. Cost refers to losing something. His mother can't lose sleepless nights. That doesn't make sense. She can lose a a full nights sleep maybe...
٧ مايو ٢٠١٥
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