Katanya 'pada' Apakah ada seseorang siapa bisa menjelaskan katanya pada? Sering saya tidak tahu bagaimana saya seharusnya memakai kata ini.
١٨ مايو ٢٠١٥ ٠٣:١٤
الإجابات · 6
I don't get your question. My understanding is that you would like to know how to use "pada" "Pada" can be used as a preposition, similar with "di" or "kepada." I can't explain it well, but in my opinion it is mostly used for something abstract or to make a sentence more formal or romantic/classic (if it's used in a story). Example: Pada dasarnya (base on) --> we know it is based on something, but we can't see/touch it (physically). Pada keesokan harinya (The following day) You can use "pada" to inform/declare/announce if majority/most/all people do something. Example: Tamunya pada belum datang --> Most/all guests haven't arrived yet Anak-anak pada malas --> Most children are lazy
١٨ مايو ٢٠١٥
It should have been kata "pada" instead of "katanya pada". you use "nya" as a pronoun ^^ "pada" is a time preposition, or what you guys, the English speakers known as "at" or "on" or "in". As Indonesian is really simple, we don't divide our time preposition as what you do in English. So you use only one preposition for all. For examples: at 3 pm ==> pada jam 3 sore on saturday ==> pada hari sabtu on 20th of June ==> pada tanggal 20 Juni in 2015 ==> pada tahun 2015 when she came ==> pada waktu/saat dia datang (note here that in this case, "pada" works as emphasis, you can choose to omit "pada", but you cannot omit "waktu/saat") The most common mistake that I often found from non-native Indonesian speakers is that, you guys use "di", which is a place preposition, instead of "pada". I suppose it's because in English you use the same prepositions for time and place. even though in some situations they can replace each other, but mostly they cannot. So unless your grammar is at advanced level, it's better for you to just use "pada" for time preposition. note that "pada" and "kepada" is different, because "kepada" means "to" I Hope it helps. Let me know if you have more questions ^^
٢٠ مايو ٢٠١٥
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