what does "solid rep"mean? does rep=reputation? “He’s a bully.” Abra walked in with a mug of coffee. “A dangerous one, I think.” Vinnie took the coffee, stared into it. “He’s a hard-nosed, experienced cop with a pretty solid rep. My take? Coming up against you, Eli, when his gut and the circumstantial says you’re guilty as black-eyed sin, then not being able to prove it’s got him pissed.” “I can’t be guilty of murder just to keep his record clear.” “He knew Duncan.” “I got that.” “I haven’t looked deep, but my sense is they knew each other pretty well. So now he’s got more motivation to break you down. And this time, you’ve got an alibi.”2.what does "my take"mean?3. what does "guilty as black-eyed sin"mean?
٢٤ مايو ٢٠١٥ ١٢:٥٠
الإجابات · 2
I think "with a pretty solid rep" means he has a good reputation, but in a business conversation "solid rep" would probably mean a very good representative. "My take" in this context is a short way of saying "My take on the matter", so he's giving his opinion. "Guilty as black-eyed sin" is an uncommon phrase that comes from the southern American states. Basically, "black-eyed sin" just means something very evil, and this character is as guilty as it.
٢٤ مايو ٢٠١٥
I think rep of representative, " solid rep" is an expression refers to toughness and seriousness.
٢٤ مايو ٢٠١٥
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