Batchim Do anyone know where i can learn about Batchim pronunciation?
٦ يوليو ٢٠١٥ ٠٣:١١
الإجابات · 3
Quoted from http://www.koreanwikiproject.com/wiki/index.php?title=%EB%B0%9B%EC%B9%A8 1. Pronunciation: Consonant followed by a vowel If a consonant in the final position is followed by a vowel, the consonant sound shifts over to the syllable with the vowel. The only sounds that don't shift over to the next syllable are ㅇ since it is impossible to begin a syllable with an "ng" sound and ㅎ becomes silent when followed by a vowel. Also when ㅌ is in the final position and followed by the vowel 이, the sound becomes 치, see ㅌ + 이. Similarly when ㄷ is in the final position and followed by the vowel 이, the sound becomes 지. 맞아 [마자] ㅈ sound shifts over to the next syllable 먹어 [머거] ㄱ sound shifts over to the next syllable 집에 [지베] ㅂ sound shifts over to the next syllable 좋아 [조아] ㅎ sound goes silent if followed by a vowel 놀아 [노라] ㄹ sound shifts over to the next syllable 필요 [피료] ㄹ sound shifts over to the next syllable 영어 [영어] The ㅇ 받침 sound does not shift over 한국어[한구거] ㄱ sound shifts over to the next syllable 같이 [가치] ㅌ + 이 = 치. See ㅌ + 이 굳이 [구지] ㄷ + 이 = 지. See ㄷ + 이 졸업 [조럽] ㄹ sound shifts over to the next syllable 십일 [시빌] ㅂ sound shifts over to the next syllable 중앙 [중앙] The ㅇ 받침 sound does not shift over 2. Pronunciation: Consonant not followed by a vowel If a consonant is in the final position and it is not followed by a vowel (meaning it is the last syllable of the word or followed by another consonant), then it may have a different pronunciation. Notice from the table below that many characters share the same sound when in the 받침 position. Also note: ㅃ, ㄸ, and ㅉ can't appear in the final position. ㄱ,ㄲ,ㅋ => ㄱ 먹다 [먹따] 부엌 [부억] 깎다 [깍따] ㅂ,ㅍ => ㅂ 수업 [수업] 춥다 [춥따] 높다 [놉따] ㄹ => ㄹ ㅇ => ㅇ ㄷ, ㅎ,ㅈ,ㅅ,ㅆ,ㅌ,ㅊ => ㅅ 옷 [옫] 곧 [곧] 찾다 [찯따] 있다 [읻따] 같다 [갇따] 꽃 [꼳]
٦ يوليو ٢٠١٥
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