what does "lawyer snark"mean? “A small one on a very slow walk, and one that lets Suskind know you know. Doesn’t that forearm him?” “A step that may spook him, even might influence him to leave Whis-key Beach. The threat here’s eliminated while the investigation into Duncan’s death continues, and we take the next steps to verifying the facts regarding the dowry, Edwin Landon, James Fitzgerald and so on.” “‘Verifying the facts regarding’ is edging toward more lawyer talk.” “Even when I practiced law, lawyer snark didn’t bother me.”She sliced some butter into a heated skillet, smiled at him while it sizzled. “Such a fine line between truth and snark. In any case, action’s more satisfying than snark. We’ve got a shot, Eli, at proving he’s the one breaking into Bluff House. Prove that and it not only leads to hanging him for Hester’s fall, and that’s huge, I think, for both of us, but it adds weight to his association with Duncan. Link them together, and it’s a short slide to incriminating him for murder.” “A lot of soft spots on that path.”Q2:what does "such a fine line between truth and snark"mean?Q3: what does "snark"here mean?
٣٠ يوليو ٢٠١٥ ١٢:٣٠
الإجابات · 1
1 Snark is not yet in mainstream usage in the UK, in my experience, though I am seeing it more often these days. See the definition above. "Lawyer snark" means the kind of snide and unkind remarks lawyer sometimes indulge in, often as a way of showing their alleged intellectual superiority.
٣٠ يوليو ٢٠١٥
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