Why is this structured the way it is? So, I am using Rosetta Stone as one of my tools for learning Indonesian. It has recently given me the sentence "Apa yang sedang dia kerjakan?" and other variations of it like "Apa yang sedang anak laki-laki itu kerjakan?". I know that these translate to "What is he/she doing?" and "What is the boy doing?", but I am a bit confused as to why they are formed the way they are. I know I should probably just memorize the form and not worry about translating it perfectly, but I am curious as to whether anyone has any input about this form. Based on what I've already learned, I would have expected this question to be "Apa yang dia sedang kerjakan?" or "Apa yang anak laki-laki sedang kerjakan?". Why does "sedang" appear earlier in the question? The best I can figure is that it basically means "What currently is he/she doing?". Any thoughts? Thank you.
١٩ أكتوبر ٢٠١٥ ٠٥:٠٧
الإجابات · 8
Dia = he or she 'Dia' can be a 'she' or a 'he'. so, "Apa yang sedang dia kerjakan?"&"Apa yang sedang anak laki-laki itu kerjakan?" has the same meaning. It depends you want to describe the 'he' or not. Do-ing Do = kerjakan/lakukan Ing = sedang example : working = sedang bekerja, eating = sedang makan, sleeping = sedang tidur. Hope you can understand my explanation.
٢٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٥
"sedang" is mean currently, so you got it right already. by using "sedang" word in the phrase it's stated that the person is doing action/activities now (on going action/activities).
١٩ أكتوبر ٢٠١٥
In Bahasa, "Dia" : pronoun 3rd person singular. Dia in English : She or He there is no description feminim or maskulin for 3rd person singular in Bahasa. Boy = Anak laki - laki, Putra. Girl = Anak perempuan, Putri. FYI in bahasa there are Formal and informal(not formal) words its mean BAKU and TIDAK BAKU What is the boy doing? In bahasa mean : Apa yang anak laki-laki/putra itu sedang kerjakan( lakukan, perbuat) <<< BAKU in other words, " Sedang apa anak laki-laki itu?" <<< TIDAK BAKU But its same meaning ex: What are you doing about? this is phrase in English if you translated word by word. in English Struktured : Apa Kau sedang lakukan tentang? If you translated with this words, its false. Can be translated with : - Sedang apa kau?<<< TIDAK BAKU - Apa yang sedang kau lakukan?<<< BAKU - Apa yang sedang kau perbuat?<<<< BAKU -Apa yang sedang kau kerjakan?<<<< BAKU this words is same meaning. "yang" in this words is Conjunction, like is am are, but not same function. DOING in BAHASA : lakukan, kerjakan, perbuat. Sorry my bad english, i hope this can explain for you.
٣٠ يناير ٢٠١٦
Yes, sedang means currently, it is an adverb. So gramatically, in Bahasa Indonesia it appears before noun. Sedang is used for formal situation, as in newspaper, tv news. We rarely use sedang in informal situation. Apa yang sedang anak laki-laki itu kerjakan? = sedang apa dia? FYI, other adverbs are: masih (still), sudah (already), example: Dia masih lapar padahal sudah makan. You see the adverb (masih and sudah) appear before verb. Hope this helps.
٢٧ أكتوبر ٢٠١٥
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