in the american eleication for president you will vote to maccain or obama ?why please? i think that all people all over the world care about the elecation in USA so i make this voting to see the poeple all over the world with obama or maccain
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الإجابات · 22
@Rida : You're for Obama just because he's young and healthy ? come on... Then why don't you propose Brad Pitt or George Clooney ? dont they match with your criterias... ;-)
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Obama Of course ! he seems young ,healthy , polyglot ,No more faked wars . Republicans suck , and i think that McCain is just an extension of Bush .So , no way to support such jerks.
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Obama. We desparately need a president with views that are not similar to Bush's. Not to mention that McCain has poor health, and if he were to pass away suddenly, his chosen candidate for vice presidency would not be competent to lead America. The U.S. needs major change and Obama will make it happen.
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OBAMA, because maccain is a bad man he just want more wars, maccain and Bush sucks...
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McCain, but not because he's such a good option. I just think Obama is worse. In fact they're both horrible so it doesn't really matter anyway.
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