How do you break down 넌 아무 말도 꺼내지도 마 ? I bumped into this phrase 넌 아무 말도 꺼내지도 마 , and it's translated differently on various websites... I've just started to learn Korean, and some words and how they act together is confusing to me. Can someone please break this sentence down for me, word by word and explain the structure? That would've been great :)
٢٩ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥ ٢٢:٢٩
الإجابات · 3
"넌 아무 말도 꺼내지도 마" - 넌: contraction of 너(you) + 는(topic/subject marker) - 아무: any / all - indefinite pronoun(also used as an adjective) - 말도: 말(word) + 도(marker for "as well" or "even") - 아무 말도: any word (whatsoever). Object of the verb 꺼내지도. - 꺼내지도: 꺼내다(bring out; say) + 지(connective for negation) + 도(even - emphasis) - 마: imperative form of 말다(not do; refrain from) It is an imperative sentence, in informal, casual style It means "You do not say anything whatsoever" (You don't even open your mouth). Grammatically, it is not the best sentence in that it uses 도 twice. Using just one 도 (either one will work) is a better style. This 아무 ... negative(않다 / 없다 / 말다...) is a common negative form like "not ... any". - 아무 일도 없었어: Nothing happened. - 아무 변명을 해도 소용없어: There is no use making excuses.
٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥
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