ni 能 introduce ni zi zi 吗?
٢١ أكتوبر ٢٠٠٨ ١٧:٢٨
الإجابات · 36
i think u are say :ni neng jie shao ni zi ji ma? in english is can u introduce youself , yes or not? en...i'm a chinese girl,19 years,is a student, and now i hope improve my english on italki. and end ,welcome to china,this is a beautiful country.
٢١ أكتوبر ٢٠٠٨
ni hao!wo jiao li li xue.zhong wen wen ta ren ming zi ying gai shi "ni neng jie shao ni zi ji ma "huo "ni neng jie shao ni zi ge ma"bu shi"ni zi zi ". 你好!我叫李利雪,中文问他人名字应该是“你能介绍你自己吗”或“你能介绍你自个吗”不是“你自自”。
٢٩ أكتوبر ٢٠٠٨
hi ,welcome to china
٢٨ أكتوبر ٢٠٠٨
Hi,my name is wendy ,i am from ChongQing。A beautiful city have some delicious food ,for example hot pot .
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ni neng jie shao ni zi ji ma ? 你 能 介 绍 你 自己 吗? Could you introduce yourself ? wo jiao ke ke 我 叫 可 可 my name is keke wo lai zi zhong guo 我 来 自 中国 i'm from china wo hen yuan yi xiang da jia jie shao zhong guo de wen hua 我很愿意向大家介绍中国的文化 i'm willing to introducing chinese culture tong shi ti gao wo de ying wen shui ping 同 时 提 高 我 的 英 文 水 平 and improve my english
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