What is 商籟? My English-Chinese dictionary defines sonnet as 商籟詩體 or fourteen-line poetry. I understand the latter but why 商籟詩體? What is 商籟? I hope someone can help me with this. Thanks.
١٩ نوفمبر ٢٠٠٨ ٠٦:٣٨
الإجابات · 3
"商籟" is Sonnet Sonnet For the song by English band The Verve, see Sonnet (song). The sonnet is one of the poetic forms that can be found in lyric poetry from Europe. The term "sonnet" derives from the Occitan word sonet and the Italian word sonetto, both meaning "little song." By the thirteenth century, it had come to signify a poem of fourteen lines that follows a strict rhyme scheme and specific structure. The conventions associated with the sonnet have evolved over its history. The writers of sonnets are sometimes referred to as "sonneteers," although the term can be used derisively. One of the best-known sonnet writers is Shakespeare, who wrote 154 of them. A Shakespearean sonnet consists of 14 lines, each line contains ten syllables, and each line is written in iambic pentameter in which a pattern of a non-emphasized syllable followed by an emphasized syllable is repeated five times. The rhyme scheme in a Shakespearean sonnet is ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, in which the last two lines are a rhymed couplet. Traditionally, when writing sonnets, English poets usually employ iambic pentameter. In the Romance languages, the hendecasyllable and Alexandrine are the most widely used metres.] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonnet 商籟 十四行诗,又译“商籁体”,为意大利文sonetto,英文Sonnet、法文sonnet的音译。欧洲一种格律严谨的抒情诗体。最初流行于意大利,彼特拉克的创作使其臻于完美,又称“彼特拉克体”,后传到欧洲各国。由两节四行诗和两节三行诗组成,每行11个音节,韵式为ABBA,ABBA,CDE,CDE或ABBA,ABBA,CDC,CDC。另一种类型称为“莎士比亚体”(Shakespearean)或“伊丽莎白体”,由三节四行诗和两行对句组成,每行10个音节,韵式为ABAB,CDCD,EFEF,GG。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/1090206.htm
١٩ نوفمبر ٢٠٠٨
我來補充一下。 西文sonnet 有不同的中文譯法,其中「商籟」一詞是聞一多先生的首創,也有人譯為「短詩」。當時格律運動進行得如火如荼,聞一多先生同徐志摩先生在北平《晨報詩刊》弁言中竭力倡導對「新形式與新音節的發現」,並親自使用各種外國詩體進行創作。聞一多先生不久在《新月雜誌》上發表白朗寧夫人( Elizabeth Barrett Browning ) 的十四行詩譯作,給予其新譯稱「商籟體」。他還曾用商籟體創作著名的《風波》(《愛的風波》) 和《你指著太陽起誓》等詩作。「商籟」此譯名音義雙關,「商」,五音之一,「屬金者,以其濁次宮,臣之象也。秋氣和,則商聲調」,「臣而和之」(《晉書》)。「籟」,一種管樂器,泛指聲響。 在聞一多先生看來,「嚴格的十四行詩」應為:「以前八行為一段,後六行為一段;八行中又以每四行為一小段,六行中或以每三行為一小段,或以前四行為一小段,末二行為一小段。總計全篇的四小段,第一段起,第二承,第三轉,第四合……總之,一首理想的商籟體應該是個三百六十度的圓形;最忌的是一條直線。」(《律詩底格律》) 在逐漸擺脫舊體詩桎梏方面,聞、徐兩位先生對外國詩體和格律的推薦功不可沒。而胡適、陸志韋、梁宗岱、卞之琳、孫大雨、馮至等人也使用無韻體和十四行詩進行過創作活動。
٢٥ نوفمبر ٢٠٠٨
Pinyin of 商籟 shang lai is similar with the pronunciation of Sonnet. 商籟 is the translation of Sonnet by its pronunciation. 音译
١٩ نوفمبر ٢٠٠٨
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