Jorge Rodriguez
What does 曹操 mean here? I am (very slowly) reading 三国演义 。 曹操 has just killed all 8 people in a family, including his father's 结义兄弟, 吕伯奢. 陈宫说: 明知对方无辜也杀,实在是残忍啊! 曹操说:宁教我负天下人,休教天下人负我。 (I) Prefer you tell me to abandon the Chinese people, don't tell the Chinese people to abandon me. I think 负 is 'turn one's back on someone / something, so I wrote abandon. Maybe 负 is 负心 ungrateful, but then I get: 宁教我负天下人,休教天下人负我。 (I) Prefer you say I am ungrateful to the Chinese people, don't say the Chinese people are ungrateful to me. Is this 教 correct? Should it be 叫? Is 负 here 负心? How would you translate this?
٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٦ ٠٠:١١
الإجابات · 16
负more close to 背叛,betray,这个句子这么理解比较好,even if I betray the whole world,better than anyone betray me.“教”就是“让”的一个被动的用法
٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٦
“教” here means "let" or "allow"(samely in another sentence :不教胡马度阴山);“负”here is a short for "辜负" which in English is "betray". Besides, translation of "天下人" to "Chinese people" is not suitable.I would like to translate this into: I prefer to betray the whole people in the world rather than allow them to betray me.
٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٦
负=辜负=对不起 宁可我对不起天下的人,也不能让任何人对不起我。
٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٦
He said except me. No one can be in an advantageous world.
٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٦
教: I recommend you to listen a song:教我如何不爱她。
١٢ فبراير ٢٠١٧
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