butterfly effect I have two questions about following sentence. ALL things great are wound up with all things little. (from Anne Green Gables, ch 18) (1) Would you explain the following sentence in easy English? (2) Do you think the sentence is related to "butterfly effect?"
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الإجابات · 5
The "butterfly effect" is a theory. According to this theory, when a butterfly moves its wings at one end of the world, it can cause a tornado on the other side of the world. -> something small (a butterfly) causes something big (a tornado). But "Anne of Green Gables" is an old book (1908). And the "butterfly effect" is a new theory (1972). Therefore, a sentence from "Anne of Green Gables" cannot refer to the "butterfly effect".
١٨ فبراير ٢٠١٧
Dear, 杨正玉. Would you comment my notebook (
١٩ فبراير ٢٠١٧
Let's wait good answer.
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Even the universe cannot be eternal,everything will be gone.Itˊs not so related to butterfly effect.A personal perspective.
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