would be happy to communicate with a German speaking person- so I can improve my German, while I can help with my (good) English.
١١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٧ ٢١:٣٢
الإجابات · 2
Well, I'm a native speaker and I like to practice my English usage, so I would be happy to help you.
١٤ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٧
Perhaps I can help. I'm not a native speaker, but I've been living here (Darmstadt) since 1993 and have been speaking German since about then. Any specific questions you'd like to ask?
١٣ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٧
لم تجد إجاباتك بعد؟
اكتب اسألتك ودع الناطقين الأصليين باللغات يساعدونك!