Vice-President x Vice-president x vice president x vice-president : which one is the correct? (Brazil) Former vice-president did the ... (Brazil) Former vice president did the ... (Brazil) The former vice president did the ... (Brazil) The former Vice-President did the ... 1- Do I have to add the ''the'' in front of the word ''former'' ??? 2 - Is both letterers ''V'' and ''P'' capitalized?? (Vice-President) 3- Does it has a hypen in the example I gave above??? Thanks in advance.2) *are both letters3) Does it have*
٩ نوفمبر ٢٠١٧ ١٨:٣٨
الإجابات · 1
Former vice president, Mr. X did bla bla or The former vice president did bla bla (without the name) and the hyphen is an option
٩ نوفمبر ٢٠١٧
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